Out of stockThis cover is a nod to Mondo posters and the art of Rockin' Jelly Bean and is beautifully illustrated by the amazing Renato Cunha! Shipped in a sturdy Gemini Mailer. Get these free with this book (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark).
Out of stockWho doesn't love Dean Yeadle and his character Mandy? Artist Redg pays homage to one of the industry greats in this sexy topless Arachna cover. Get these free with this book (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark).
Out of stockCool manga-inspired artwork by SGTMADNESS has Arachna playing with a spider and Kumo skewering a spider. Naughty Kumo! Shipped in a sturdy Gemini mailer. Limited Edition of 25 total copies. These are the rarest of all Arachna books. These were offered as an Indiegogo 48 hour end of campaign perk. Get these free with these books (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark).
Out of stockThis is it, true believers! The first appearance of Arachna, Kumo, and Doc Diabolique. Her adventures begin with this stunning graphic novel. Written by Martti Kauppinen, Cover and Interior Art by Carlos Granda, Colors by Maksim Strelkov, and Lettering by Hellica. Shipped in a sturdy Gemini Mailer. Get these free with this book (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark).
Out of stockWould it be cool or scary to run into Arachna on a moonlit night? This variant cover features the awesome artwork of Carlos Dattoli! Shipped in a sturdy Gemini Mailer. Get these free with this book (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark).
Out of stockThis deluxe hardcover edition will feature the 48-page graphic novel with the Carlos Dattoli cover, plus a scrapbook featuring photos from the Arachna shoot with Samantha, character designs by Tyier, all the variant cover artwork plus sketches and inked pages from Carlos, and so much more! Shipped in a sturdy Gemini Mailer. Get these free with this book (Arachna Trading Card, Kumo Trading Card, Arachna Cosplay Trading Card, Bookmark). Print Run: 125 Sold Out